Role and Duty of DAC Secretariat General
Secretariat General of DACcarries out the following roles and responsibilities:
- Ensure sustainability and functioning of DAC,
- Manage staff of DAC Secretariat DAC,
- Propose nomination, transfer, termination and recruitment of public civil servant, assistant, and other relevant staff for the secretariat,
- Develop annual budget planto support function of the DAC,
- Manage the income, expenses, inventories, movableand immovable equipment of DAC,
- Organize workshops and meetings of DAC,
- Provide technical advice on disability and rehabilitation,
- Coordinate the relevant ministries, institutions, and relevant organizations in developing policies, national plans and strategies related to disability and rehabilitation issues,
- Promote the implementation of policies, laws, and regulations related to disability and rehabilitation issues,
- Propose revision, additional completion, amendment, policies, laws, and regulations related to disability issues,
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, national plans, laws and regulations related to disability issues,
- Communicate with national and international communities to exchange experiencesand mobilize resources from both internal and external sources,
- Organize national and international day and other events related to persons with disabilities,
- Report on the progress of implementation of national strategic plan and action plan relate to disability in Cambodia,
- Assist in managing, organizing and implementing of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
- Develop report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the Royal Government of Cambodia and submit the report to the United Nations,
- Receive and take action on the suggestions made bypersons with disabilities,
- Develop monthly, quarterly, semester, 9 months and annual report on DAC achievement,
- Fulfil other task assigned by the President of DAC.
Structure of Secretariat General of DAC composes of the following units:
- Administration and Finance Unit.
- Rights of Persons with Disabilities Unit.
- Welfare and Rehabilitation Unit.
- Integration of Persons with Disabilities Unit.
- Development for Disabilities Services Unit.
The Organizational chart of DAC Secretariat General is attached in appendix.
Each unit is led by a director having equivalent range with director of department, and assisted by anumber of deputy directors of the unit having equivalent range with deputy director of department.
Each unit consists of officers as required. The organizing and functioning of each officeshall be determined by Prakas of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth, Rehabilitation.
DAC shall establisha working group on disability within government ministriesand institutions, and Disability Action Council at municipalities and provinces.
Organizing and functioning of theworking group on disability within government ministries and institutions and Disability Action Council at municipalities and provinces shall be determined by Prakas of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation and the President of DAC.